Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9212, aired 2024-11-26IN TOLERABLE $400: It's a common location for piercing & a crease in one may be a sign of coronary heart disease earlobe
#9212, aired 2024-11-26IN TOLERABLE $800: A return of part of a payment; you might receive one for purchasing an "Energy Star" appliance a rebate
#9212, aired 2024-11-26IN TOLERABLE $1200: It's the higher end of the audio frequency range in broadcasting & sound recording treble
#9212, aired 2024-11-26IN TOLERABLE $1600: The shape of planet Earth can be described as this kind of spheroid, meaning it's flattened at the poles oblate
#9212, aired 2024-11-26IN TOLERABLE $2000: Do I have to explain it again? It means to rebuke or scold someone angrily & at great length berate

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