Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6309, aired 2012-02-09IN THE URBAN DICTIONARY $200: If you've put a scoratorium in place, you're trying to avoid hearing what happened in one of these a sporting event (football game accepted)
#6309, aired 2012-02-09IN THE URBAN DICTIONARY $400: A carnevoyeur is one of these who derives pleasure from watching others eat meat a vegetarian
#6309, aired 2012-02-09IN THE URBAN DICTIONARY $600: Failing to impress a woman you're attracted to can land you in this "zone" the friend zone
#6309, aired 2012-02-09IN THE URBAN DICTIONARY $800: A "cough & call" is a technique to avoid this (going to) work
#6309, aired 2012-02-09IN THE URBAN DICTIONARY $1000: "When an ethnic minority makes unfounded accusations", they're pulling this from the deck the race card

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