Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8292, aired 2020-12-01IN THE PRESIDENT'S CABINETS $200: Kathleen Sebelius gave 'em Health, & Human Services, too; so did Sylvia Mathews Burwell Obama
#8292, aired 2020-12-01IN THE PRESIDENT'S CABINETS $400: Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense; Lamar Alexander getting an education George H.W. Bush
#8292, aired 2020-12-01IN THE PRESIDENT'S CABINETS $600: Andrew Cuomo developed at HUD, Robert Reich worked at Labor Clinton
#8292, aired 2020-12-01IN THE PRESIDENT'S CABINETS $800: Abraham Ribicoff at H.E.W.; the Attorney General, a guy the president knew from childhood JFK
#8292, aired 2020-12-01IN THE PRESIDENT'S CABINETS $1000: Herbert Hoover had the Commerce gig; Albert Fall was crooked in the Interior Harding

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