Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (25 results returned)

#5354, aired 2007-12-13IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $400: Emeril must love this state with "bam" inside it Alabama
#5354, aired 2007-12-13IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $800: The life force known as "chi" is inside this state Michigan
#5354, aired 2007-12-13IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $1200: "For" it's a jolly good state California
#5354, aired 2007-12-13IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $1600: I'll "use" a map to drive to this state Massachusetts
#5354, aired 2007-12-13IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $2,500 (Daily Double): I'll feel "out" of sorts if I can't visit these 2 states South Carolina & South Dakota
#5220, aired 2007-04-27IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $200: Get comfy & "tuck" yourself into this state Kentucky
#5220, aired 2007-04-27IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $400: "Ow"! Don't hurt yourself inside this state Iowa
#5220, aired 2007-04-27IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $600: I'll never "sour" on this state Missouri
#5220, aired 2007-04-27IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $800: I must write an "ode" to this state Rhode Island
#5220, aired 2007-04-27IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $4,000 (Daily Double): "Ask" me about these 2 states (I love them) Alaska and Nebraska
#5160, aired 2007-02-02IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $400: This state is powered by one "AMP" New Hampshire
#5160, aired 2007-02-02IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $800: Have some "GIN" in the middle of these two states West Virginia & Virginia
#5160, aired 2007-02-02IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $1200: It's a good place to get a "TAN" (Okay, not really) Montana
#5160, aired 2007-02-02IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $1600: This state has a big "EGO" Oregon
#5160, aired 2007-02-02IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $2000: Should I wear a "BRA" there? I think not Nebraska
#5115, aired 2006-12-01IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $400: "Sip" your favorite libation while you're in this state Mississippi
#5115, aired 2006-12-01IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $800: The General Assembly legislates this state's "law" Delaware
#5115, aired 2006-12-01IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $1200: "Eva" feels surrounded by it Nevada
#5115, aired 2006-12-01IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $1600: You can kick this state in its "shin" Washington
#5115, aired 2006-12-01IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $3,000 (Daily Double): We're pro-this state, though it has a "con" in the middle Wisconsin
#3841, aired 2001-04-23IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $100: Colorado has a little "color" in its name, but this state has a "tan" monTANa
#3841, aired 2001-04-23IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $200: No state has a "nip", but this one has a "tuck" kenTUCKy
#3841, aired 2001-04-23IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $300: A "bra" is supporting this state neBRAska
#3841, aired 2001-04-23IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $400: A small "gin" fizzes in this state virGINia
#3841, aired 2001-04-23IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE $500: This state has a "sour" center misSOURi

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