Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7462, aired 2017-02-07IN THE FIRST PLACE $400: For 12 days, in early 1924, Chamonix, France hosted the first of these sporting events the Winter Olympics
#7462, aired 2017-02-07IN THE FIRST PLACE $800: He staged his first Wild West show in North Platte, Nebraska on July 4, 1882 Buffalo Bill Cody
#7462, aired 2017-02-07IN THE FIRST PLACE $1600: The complete "Ring" cycle was first performed in 1876 at Wagner's own theater in this city Bayreuth
#7462, aired 2017-02-07IN THE FIRST PLACE $2,000 (Daily Double): This area in the title of perhaps the most famous WWI novel saw the war's first major gas attack on April 22, 1915 the western front
#7462, aired 2017-02-07IN THE FIRST PLACE $2000: This small Asian nation's independence day on May 20, 2002 made it the first new country of the 21st century East Timor

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