Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3373, aired 1999-04-14IN OTHER WORLDS $200: Pluto's version of this Earth sitcom would be "9th (sometimes 8th) Stone if you Start Counting at our System's Star" 3rd Rock from the Sun
#3373, aired 1999-04-14IN OTHER WORLDS $400: On Neptune, a rare occasion could be "once in an azure triton" or a "cerulean nereid" instead of this Blue moon
#3373, aired 1999-04-14IN OTHER WORLDS $600: Instead of this, a shady Venusian might leave town "beneath one concentration of sulfuric acid particles" Under a dark cloud
#3373, aired 1999-04-14IN OTHER WORLDS $800: On Jupiter this 1939 movie would be called "Vanished Accompanied by Gas in Motion over 300 MPH" Gone with the Wind
#3373, aired 1999-04-14IN OTHER WORLDS $1000: On Mercury, this phrase becomes "Poorly arranged filaments on the head lasting 1305 hours" A bad hair day

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