Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9228, aired 2024-12-18IN D.C.'s STATUARY HALL $400: Colorado honors Jack Swigert, who flew aboard this successful failure of a Moon mission & was elected to Congress in 1982 Apollo 13
#9228, aired 2024-12-18IN D.C.'s STATUARY HALL $800: Alabama is represented by this woman, depicted as a young girl astonished by the discovery of her first word--"water" Helen Keller
#9228, aired 2024-12-18IN D.C.'s STATUARY HALL $1200: Vermont has a statue of him, despite or maybe in part because of the fact he was run out of towns in Massachusetts & Connecticut Ethan Allen
#9228, aired 2024-12-18IN D.C.'s STATUARY HALL $1600: Rhode Island honors Nathanael Greene & this man, which seems the least the state could do, as he founded the original colony Roger Williams
#9228, aired 2024-12-18IN D.C.'s STATUARY HALL $2000: There is a Georgia statue for Alexander Stephens, though the man did hold this job from 1861 to 1865 vice president of the Confederacy

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