Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4050, aired 2002-03-22IN A STRANGE LAND $400: (Sofia of the Clue Crew wears a hat.) My hat is part of the national dress of this United Kingdom country Scotland
#4050, aired 2002-03-22IN A STRANGE LAND $800: Man-made Lake Nasser straddles the border between Egypt & this large country to its south Sudan
#4050, aired 2002-03-22IN A STRANGE LAND $1200: Milan Kucan is the president of this former Yugoslav republic wedged between Croatia & Italy Slovenia
#4050, aired 2002-03-22IN A STRANGE LAND $1600: In ancient times this Mediterranean isle was called Melita Malta
#4050, aired 2002-03-22IN A STRANGE LAND $2000: This landlocked country of Southern Africa is called the "Kingdom in the Sky" by its citizens Lesotho

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