Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9239, aired 2025-01-02IDIOT IDIOMS $200: Someone may claim that you are one or maybe 2 sandwiches short of this outdoor event; how dare they! a picnic
#9239, aired 2025-01-02IDIOT IDIOMS $400: A sage saying relates that a man who acts as his own this "has a fool for a client" lawyer
#9239, aired 2025-01-02IDIOT IDIOMS $600: A rabbit relative comes at the start of this term meaning foolish or absurd harebrained
#9239, aired 2025-01-02IDIOT IDIOMS $800: 5 words of advice from his mama quoted often by Tom Hanks in a 1994 movie stupid is as stupid does
#9239, aired 2025-01-02IDIOT IDIOMS $1000: Someone not smart, maybe in the way of computers, is deemed this palindromic number, a webpage error 404

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