Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (40 results returned)

#9155, aired 2024-07-26IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $200: In a sporty idiom, to make expectations higher is to do this, from field events like the pole vault raise the bar
#9155, aired 2024-07-26IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $400: Someone of unappealing visage is said to have "a face for" this medium; Fred Allen said it of himself radio
#9155, aired 2024-07-26IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $600: Completing "give him his...". it means to free him, but completing "hand him his...". it means to beat him hand (give) him his head
#9155, aired 2024-07-26IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $800: You'll find the French word for "beautiful" in this phrase for the most attractive person in a given setting belle of the ball
#9155, aired 2024-07-26IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $1000: This 2-part phrase meaning "completely settled" has a variation that's been used as a hair salon name cut and dried
#9117, aired 2024-06-04IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $400: Boxing gave us this idiom for the best & closest spot to watch the action of any kind a ringside seat
#9117, aired 2024-06-04IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $800: This term for a stockpile of cash is more often applied to money to wage a political campaign than a military one a war chest
#9117, aired 2024-06-04IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $1200: This tradition when you meet the pope is a snide expression meaning to show extreme subservience to anyone bend the knee (kiss the ring)
#9117, aired 2024-06-04IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $2000: Janis Joplin's last concert was fronting a band with this 3-word name, meaning all out & including a synonym for to dance Full Tilt Boogie
#9117, aired 2024-06-04IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $3,800 (Daily Double): Sticky foot pads called pulvilli are needed if you want to literally be this & listen to others' conversations while unseen a fly on the wall
#9064, aired 2024-03-21IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $400: Check your work because "the devil's in" these the details
#9064, aired 2024-03-21IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $800: This 4-word idiom meaning angry suggests a rope is needed fit to be tied
#9064, aired 2024-03-21IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $1200: Alexander Pope said "To err is human", then these 3 words to forgive divine
#9064, aired 2024-03-21IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $1600: In Rabelais' "Gargantua", a drinker demands that an empty cup be filled because of this scientific principle nature abhors a vacuum
#9064, aired 2024-03-21IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $2000: JFK said it's a Cape Cod saying & added, "and a partnership, by definition, serves both partners" a rising tide lifts all boats
#9057, aired 2024-03-12IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $200: Legally, it means so visible that the cops didn't have to search to find it; something obvious is "hiding" there in plain sight
#9057, aired 2024-03-12IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $400: A principle based on experience or practice gave rise to this 3-word phrase mentioning a part of the hand a rule of thumb
#9057, aired 2024-03-12IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $600: 2021 called & wants this phrase back that means evaluating someone's mood or energy a vibe check
#9057, aired 2024-03-12IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $800: This expression meaning you have to suffer to advance was used in the 17th century, in plural form, by Robert Herrick no pains, no gains
#9057, aired 2024-03-12IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $1000: The version with "pipe" is later, this original phrase for something headed your way is from the type of road seen here (coming) down the pike
#8607, aired 2022-03-29IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $400: To lose out on an opportunity is to "miss" this transport miss the bus (boat)
#8607, aired 2022-03-29IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $800: A '70s Smokey ad showed a fawn & little bunnies & said there are these "in the woods", an idiom meaning naive or innocent babes in the woods
#8607, aired 2022-03-29IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $1200: In Sweden, to be caught "with your beard in the mailbox" is similar to this clothing-related phrase we use caught with your pants down
#8607, aired 2022-03-29IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $2,000 (Daily Double): Originally meaning too distant to be heard, it now means totally different, as in "a ____ ____ from how it used to be" far cry
#8607, aired 2022-03-29IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $2000: From a 2013 Supreme Court argument--Justice: You want us to create a gray area; Professor: The opposite, I'm asking you to draw this draw a bright line
#8569, aired 2022-02-03IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $400: I'm going to get a taste of your profits--not a lot, just to do this, as in the photo here wet my beak
#8569, aired 2022-02-03IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $800: Meaning "stick to your own area", it can apply to highway driving but was also influenced by football kickoff coverage stay in your lane
#8569, aired 2022-02-03IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $1600: Nowadays, people say "(whatever they're really good at) is my" this word; for Johnny Storm, it's actually pyrokinesis a superpower
#8569, aired 2022-02-03IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $2000: Veterans "benefits" include this, to be given by the V.A. if the evidence for & against the claim is about equal the benefit of the doubt
#8569, aired 2022-02-03IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $3,000 (Daily Double): Tangled wires led to the 19th c. phrase this type of "telegraph"; eventually, this became the way you hear a rumor the grapevine
#8311, aired 2021-01-11IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $200: An adynaton is an idiom referring to an impossibility, like "when" this event involving swine happens when pigs fly
#8311, aired 2021-01-11IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $400: Rover knows it's the hottest period during the summer dog days
#8311, aired 2021-01-11IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $600: Watch what you consume according to this; in German it's a pun, "Man ist was man isst" You are what you eat
#8311, aired 2021-01-11IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $800: To gain experience is "to cut" these canine teeth of the upper jaw the eye teeth
#8311, aired 2021-01-11IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $1000: A humorist wrote, "Why not go" here, take a chance in unknown territory? "Isn't that where the fruit is?" out on a limb
#8091, aired 2019-11-11EXPRESSIONS & IDIOMS $400: "Everything but the kitchen stove" once vied with this now more common phrase meaning the same everything but the kitchen sink
#8091, aired 2019-11-11EXPRESSIONS & IDIOMS $800: In job training or language learning, one method is to let the newbie loose to do one of this opposite watery pair sink or swim
#8091, aired 2019-11-11EXPRESSIONS & IDIOMS $1200: Let's act aggressively on an issue & "play" this, another word for the national pastime hardball
#8091, aired 2019-11-11EXPRESSIONS & IDIOMS $1600: Originally, it was a magazine illustration of what well-dressed people were wearing. Now it means "someone stylish" a fashion plate
#8091, aired 2019-11-11EXPRESSIONS & IDIOMS $2000: This 2-word cooler-sounding way to say "second job" is the title of a book subtitled "From Idea to Income in 27 Days" Side Hustle

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