Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9247, aired 2025-01-14ICELANDIA $200: More than half of Iceland's population lives in or near this capital city Reykjavík
#9247, aired 2025-01-14ICELANDIA $400: Like Norway's, the Icelandic coastline has many of these deep inlets carved by glaciers fjords
#9247, aired 2025-01-14ICELANDIA $600: She ranks as the country's most famous personality & it seems that everyone there has a story about this former Sugarcube Björk
#9247, aired 2025-01-14ICELANDIA $800: Soak in the geothermal sea water of this attraction, one of Iceland's most popular; it's also the name of an '80s film the Blue Lagoon
#9247, aired 2025-01-14ICELANDIA $1000: One of the world's oldest parliaments, it makes our heart sing, it makes everything groovy, c'mon... the Althing

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