Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7027, aired 2015-03-17I WANT TO ROCK & ROLL ALL NIGHT $200: In 1975 "Rock And Roll All Nite" became the first Top 40 hit for this band unafraid of a little stage makeup Kiss
#7027, aired 2015-03-17I WANT TO ROCK & ROLL ALL NIGHT $400: Irish band Thin Lizzy's biggest U.S. hit came when telling us that they "Are Back In Town" "The Boys"
#7027, aired 2015-03-17I WANT TO ROCK & ROLL ALL NIGHT $600: Paul McCartney sang, "But if this ever-changing world in which we live in, makes you give in and cry... say" this "Live And Let Die"
#7027, aired 2015-03-17I WANT TO ROCK & ROLL ALL NIGHT $800: In 2014 this band's "Songs of Innocence" made a stealthy showing in people's iTunes; some shot down that idea U2
#7027, aired 2015-03-17I WANT TO ROCK & ROLL ALL NIGHT $1000: Jeff Tweedy wrote "Standing O" & "Sunloathe" for this group's album "The Whole Love" Wilco

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