Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8968, aired 2023-11-08I PITY DA FOOD! $200: Garlic bulbs are broken up into segments called these for cooking cloves
#8968, aired 2023-11-08I PITY DA FOOD! $400: Slaughterhouses don't have to ask & pay for USDA grades for this meat, be it in chop, loin or rib form pork
#8968, aired 2023-11-08I PITY DA FOOD! $600: Cook boneless this fowl until the internal temp is 165 degrees; that's a rough day for a capon a hen (chicken)
#8968, aired 2023-11-08I PITY DA FOOD! $800: To really like something, or a finely chopped sweet pickle on a hot dog relish
#8968, aired 2023-11-08I PITY DA FOOD! $1000: Gray & red-legged are 2 varieties of this game bird that can be roasted, broiled or braised; you, in the pear tree! Hide! a partridge
#5961, aired 2010-07-12I PITY DA FOOD! $200: Maine & spiny are types of this; its shell turns vivid red only affer it's been cooked lobster
#5961, aired 2010-07-12I PITY DA FOOD! $400: Cook boneless this fowl until the internal temp is 179 degrees; that's a rough day for a capon chicken
#5961, aired 2010-07-12I PITY DA FOOD! $600: Canned this is precooked & sold as albacore & light meat; it comes in 3 grades, the best being solid or fancy tuna
#5961, aired 2010-07-12I PITY DA FOOD! $800: Gray & red-legged are 2 varieties of this game bird that can be roasted, broiled or braised; you, in the pear tree! Hide! partridge
#5961, aired 2010-07-12I PITY DA FOOD! $1000: Though there are no precise age standards for this, the term is used for a young calf who didn't make it past 3 mos. veal

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