Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5587, aired 2008-12-16I NEED A HERO $400: This mythic Wild West hero invented the lasso, rode a cyclone & married a girl named Slue-Foot Sue Pecos Bill
#5587, aired 2008-12-16I NEED A HERO $1200: Dickens work where you'll find "whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own lifeā€¦these pages must show" David Copperfield
#5587, aired 2008-12-16I NEED A HERO $1600: Preparing for one more Antarctic journey, this heroic explorer died on the isl. of S. Georgia in 1922 & is buried there Ernest Shackleton
#5587, aired 2008-12-16I NEED A HERO $2000: Raised by animals, Enkidu was a companion of this Sumerian hero Gilgamesh
#5587, aired 2008-12-16I NEED A HERO $2,500 (Daily Double): "Show me a hero", wrote Fitzgerald, "and I will write you" one of these dramas a tragedy

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