Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8363, aired 2021-03-24I LOVE A PARADE $200: "Every inch of every float must be covered with flowers or other natural materials" in this California parade the Rose Parade
#8363, aired 2021-03-24I LOVE A PARADE $400: Newport Beach in this California county has a lighted holiday boat parade dating back to 1908 Orange County
#8363, aired 2021-03-24I LOVE A PARADE $600: This 2-word military-sounding job is the ceremonial head of a parade grand marshal
#8363, aired 2021-03-24I LOVE A PARADE $800: In September 1882 the Knights of this held a giant parade in New York City--the prelude to a new holiday the Knights of Labor
#8363, aired 2021-03-24I LOVE A PARADE $1000: Traditionally, this country marches first in the Parade of Nations to open the Olympics Greece
#5304, aired 2007-10-04I LOVE A PARADE $400: The Junkanoo Parade brings a sea of color to downtown Nassau on Boxing Day & again on this one six days later New Year's Day
#5304, aired 2007-10-04I LOVE A PARADE $800: Festivities on this July 14th holiday include fireworks & a huge military parade down Paris' Champs-Elysees Bastille Day
#5304, aired 2007-10-04I LOVE A PARADE $1200: As seen in the photo in 1960, Senator Kennedy & wife Jackie enjoyed this type of parade in New York City a ticker-tape parade
#5304, aired 2007-10-04I LOVE A PARADE $1600: The annual Chinese New Year parade in this West Coast city is the largest celebration of its kind outside Asia San Francisco
#5304, aired 2007-10-04I LOVE A PARADE $2000: Appleton in this state claims the oldest Flag Day parade in the nation Wisconsin

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