Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#7919, aired 2019-01-31 | I GOT THE WORLD ON A STRING $400: From Persian for "three string", this Indian instrument can have as many as 20 strings a sitar |
#7919, aired 2019-01-31 | I GOT THE WORLD ON A STRING $800: In this country of origin, they play the crwth with a bow but without any vowels Wales |
#7919, aired 2019-01-31 | I GOT THE WORLD ON A STRING $1200: The valiha from this large African island nation is a tubular zither traditionally made from bamboo Madagascar |
#7919, aired 2019-01-31 | I GOT THE WORLD ON A STRING $1600: This instrument is a long-necked Greek lute; a bazooka makes a much different sound a bouzouki |
#7919, aired 2019-01-31 | I GOT THE WORLD ON A STRING $2000: The Norwegian hardanger fiddle has 4 of these strings under the fingerboard that are not played sympathetic strings |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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