Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8667, aired 2022-06-21I DON'T HEAR A SYMPHONY $400: Not quite yet the symphony, the sinfonia was an instrumental part of these stage works, like "Giasone", a big one of the 1600s operas
#8667, aired 2022-06-21I DON'T HEAR A SYMPHONY $800: With Beethoven in mind, Mahler believed writing this number symphony was endsville, so he called a 1908 work a song cycle the 9th
#8667, aired 2022-06-21I DON'T HEAR A SYMPHONY $1200: Beethoven's "Kreutzer" is not a symphony but one of these "S" works for violin & piano a sonata
#8667, aired 2022-06-21I DON'T HEAR A SYMPHONY $1600: César Franck composed "Symphonic" these on a theme, but no one agrees on how many it contains--between 6 & 15 Variations
#8667, aired 2022-06-21I DON'T HEAR A SYMPHONY $2000: A bit like a symphony, the first work called this "for Orchestra" instead of for a solo instrument was in 1925 by Hindemith a concerto

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