Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9211, aired 2024-11-25I'M ON A U.S. STAMP $200: In 1965, a five-cent stamp honored the 700th birthday of this poet--how divine Dante
#9211, aired 2024-11-25I'M ON A U.S. STAMP $400: A labor organizer & co-founder of the National Farm Workers association, he got the honor in 2003 Chavez
#9211, aired 2024-11-25I'M ON A U.S. STAMP $600: This "Wizard of Westwood" was honored with the Medal of Freedom in 2003 & a U.S. stamp in 2024 (John) Wooden
#9211, aired 2024-11-25I'M ON A U.S. STAMP $800: If you want my 3 cents, a 1948 stamp had her picture as well as stating "founder of the American Red Cross" (Clara) Barton
#9211, aired 2024-11-25I'M ON A U.S. STAMP $1000: Fannie Lou Hamer & this fellow civil rights icon, assassinated at his home in 1963, were honored together in 2009 Medgar Evers

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