Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)
#5714, aired 2009-06-11 | I'M GETTING HUNGRY $200: Ouch! I'd better scrape the thorns off the nopal type of this desert plant before I cook it a cactus |
#5714, aired 2009-06-11 | I'M GETTING HUNGRY $400: I'll wash my snack down with one of the Jones Soda Co.'s fun flavors, like Fufu Berry or this color Bubble Gum (as I'm a boy) Blue |
#5714, aired 2009-06-11 | I'M GETTING HUNGRY $600: I melt at the sight of this soft French cheese, be it de meaux or de melun brie |
#5714, aired 2009-06-11 | I'M GETTING HUNGRY $800: Instead of wrapping sushi in nori, which is dried this, I'll eat the nori as a snack seaweed |
#5714, aired 2009-06-11 | I'M GETTING HUNGRY $1000: I'll keep my yap shut or I won't get any of these "canine" cakes of deep-fried cornmeal hush puppies |
#5512, aired 2008-07-22 | I'M HUNGRY! $400: I bought a special log to grow the shiitake type of these; let's grill some right now mushrooms |
#5512, aired 2008-07-22 | I'M HUNGRY! $800: Yummy! Bubbie made some of these potato pancakes, & it isn't even Hanukkah latkes |
#5512, aired 2008-07-22 | I'M HUNGRY! $1200: Let's make Craig Claiborne's recipe for an upside-down type of this fruit pie; it's a lot like tarte tatin apple pie |
#5512, aired 2008-07-22 | I'M HUNGRY! $1600: I can't pass up the mousse d'ecrevisse, made with these freshwater crustaceans crayfish |
#5512, aired 2008-07-22 | I'M HUNGRY! $2000: Let's go Penn. Dutch & have this dish, bits of pork mixed with cornmeal mush, then shaped into loaves & fried scrapple |
#3699, aired 2000-10-05 | I'M HUNGRY $100: "I scream, you scream, we all scream for" this dessert ice cream |
#3699, aired 2000-10-05 | I'M HUNGRY $200: To make Ants on a Log, fill a celery stalk with cream cheese or peanut butter & top with these dried fruits raisins |
#3699, aired 2000-10-05 | I'M HUNGRY $300: In fish & chips, the chips aren't Ruffles but what we would call these french fries |
#3699, aired 2000-10-05 | I'M HUNGRY $400: Sink your teeth into a Granny Smith & you'll be eating this apple |
#3699, aired 2000-10-05 | I'M HUNGRY $500: It's the 4-letter term for soybean curd that can be used to make cheesecake & even hot dogs tofu |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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