Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#7826, aired 2018-09-24I'M A HUGE FAN! $400: If you like Phish or this Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, you are a "Phan" Phantom of the Opera
#7826, aired 2018-09-24I'M A HUGE FAN! $800: If you wanna rock & roll all nite & party every day, you might be part of this group's "Army" KISS
#7826, aired 2018-09-24I'M A HUGE FAN! $1200: Sons of the Desert, a fan society of this comedy duo, is named for the pair's 1933 film Laurel and Hardy
#7826, aired 2018-09-24I'M A HUGE FAN! $1600: Jimmy Buffett's fans are Parrot Heads; children of Parrot Heads & younger fans are known as these little birds Parakeets
#7826, aired 2018-09-24I'M A HUGE FAN! $2,000 (Daily Double): Die-hard fans of this 1975 movie are naturally "Finaddicts" Jaws
#7612, aired 2017-10-17I'M A HUGE FAN $200: Exuberant chapeaux give Green Bay Packers fans this nickname Cheeseheads
#7612, aired 2017-10-17I'M A HUGE FAN $400: is devoted to helping you become a more rabid fan of this rock satirist "Weird Al" Yankovic
#7612, aired 2017-10-17I'M A HUGE FAN $600: The "flies" at like to post about "TAR", this CBS reality competition The Amazing Race
#7612, aired 2017-10-17I'M A HUGE FAN $800: Change one of the vowels in a Zodiac sign & you get this .org devoted to the director of "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" Capracorn (.org)
#7612, aired 2017-10-17I'M A HUGE FAN $1000: Bellarinas are fans of this young performer seen here Bella Thorne

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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