Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#2946, aired 1997-05-26HUSBAND & WIFE SINGERS $200: In 1991 he married his backup vocalist Patti Scialfa Bruce Springsteen
#2946, aired 1997-05-26HUSBAND & WIFE SINGERS $400: He may be an expert on “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover”, but in 1992 he married singer Edie Brickell Paul Simon
#2946, aired 1997-05-26HUSBAND & WIFE SINGERS $600: Their first hit, 1975's “Love Will Keep Us Together”, was written by Neil Sedaka Captain & Tennille
#2946, aired 1997-05-26HUSBAND & WIFE SINGERS $800: During the '70s, he & Rita Coolidge released 3 duet albums including “Full Moon” Kris Kristofferson
#2946, aired 1997-05-26HUSBAND & WIFE SINGERS $1000: “You Can't Lose Me” is something she might sing to fellow country star Tim McGraw; they married in 1996 Faith Hill

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