Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4656, aired 2004-11-29HOW CAPITAL! $200: If you know that El Castillo del Morro looms over this city's harbor, have a cigar Havana
#4656, aired 2004-11-29HOW CAPITAL! $400: (Hi, I'm Anderson Cooper of CNN.) A few years after I graduated from Yale, I spent 5 months studying Vietnamese at the University of this world capital Hanoi
#4656, aired 2004-11-29HOW CAPITAL! $600: There are many places to buy pesos in this capital's Benito Juarez Airport Mexico City
#4656, aired 2004-11-29HOW CAPITAL! $800: It's difficult, but try picturing George Bernard Shaw as a baby when you visit his birthplace in this world capital Dublin
#4656, aired 2004-11-29HOW CAPITAL! $1000: This city on Honshu Island was once the capital of Japan, & its name means "capital city" Kyoto

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