Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3161, aired 1998-05-04HONG KONG CINEMA $200: This "Supercop" actor is notorious for performing his own death-defying stunts Jackie Chan
#3161, aired 1998-05-04HONG KONG CINEMA $400: This "Face/Off" director started the craze for Hong Kong gangster films with 1986's "A Better Tomorrow" John Woo
#3161, aired 1998-05-04HONG KONG CINEMA $600: Wong Kar-wai's "Chungking Express" was imported to the U.S. by this "Jackie Brown" director Quentin Tarantino
#3161, aired 1998-05-04HONG KONG CINEMA $800: She's credited as Michelle Khan on her Hong Kong films, but used this name for "Tomorrow Never Dies" Michelle Yeoh
#3161, aired 1998-05-04HONG KONG CINEMA $1000: A familiar face in Hong Kong, this actor made his U.S. debut in the film seen here ("The Replacement Killers") Chow Yun-fat

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