Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#6092, aired 2011-02-22 | HOMECOMING KINGS & QUEENS $400: Mary, queen of these people, didn't see many of them when she lived in France from age 5 until her return at 18 the Scots |
#6092, aired 2011-02-22 | HOMECOMING KINGS & QUEENS $800: In 2010 Akhenaton returned to this African country; actually it was just his big toe, which had been removed in 1968 Egypt |
#6092, aired 2011-02-22 | HOMECOMING KINGS & QUEENS $1200: Chimham helped bring King David over the Jordan when he returned to this city after a rebellion Jerusalem |
#6092, aired 2011-02-22 | HOMECOMING KINGS & QUEENS $1600: In 1945, after the wartime years in England, Queen Wilhelmina crossed the North Sea & returned to this country the Netherlands |
#6092, aired 2011-02-22 | HOMECOMING KINGS & QUEENS $2000: In 1996 King Simeon returned to Bulgaria; he had fled in 1946 after a takeover by this very anti-king political party the Communist Party |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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