Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#8723, aired 2022-10-19 | HOME COMPUTING $200: Your laptop's displayport or HDMI port can be hooked up to one of these just like the nice big one you had at the office a computer monitor |
#8723, aired 2022-10-19 | HOME COMPUTING $400: Cat 6 is one type of this cable to connect a computer to the Internet; flat ones are easier than round ones to run under the rug ethernet |
#8723, aired 2022-10-19 | HOME COMPUTING $600: A good webcam is vital both for work meetings & for when you become King Bozomeme on this gamer livestreaming service from Amazon Twitch |
#8723, aired 2022-10-19 | HOME COMPUTING $800: Impact & thermal are types of these peripherals printers |
#8723, aired 2022-10-19 | HOME COMPUTING $1000: You can get an encrypted connection to the Internet with a VPN, short for this a virtual private network |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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