Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)
#8141, aired 2020-01-20 | HOLIDAYS AROUND THE WORLD $200: This biblical man's pudding, first made when the waters subsided, is eaten by Turkish Muslims on Ashura Noah |
#8141, aired 2020-01-20 | HOLIDAYS AROUND THE WORLD $400: This spring holiday honors a Mexican army victory over French forces in 1862 Cinco de Mayo |
#8141, aired 2020-01-20 | HOLIDAYS AROUND THE WORLD $600: For more than 200 years, Spain has made people rich on Christmas with the LoterĂa de this Navidad |
#8141, aired 2020-01-20 | HOLIDAYS AROUND THE WORLD $800: In the Pyrenees, the Candlemas bear was the more ferocious predecessor of this U.S. rodent the groundhog |
#8141, aired 2020-01-20 | HOLIDAYS AROUND THE WORLD $1000: Not a Halloween tradition, English Jack o' Lents were made on this mid-week Christian holiday Ash Wednesday |
#7321, aired 2016-06-13 | HOLIDAYS AROUND THE WORLD $200: Following a request from Pope Benedict XVI, Cuba reinstated this holiday, observed 2 days before Easter Good Friday |
#7321, aired 2016-06-13 | HOLIDAYS AROUND THE WORLD $400: In this country, April 24 is a day for remembering the more than 1 million victims of the 1915 genocide Armenia |
#7321, aired 2016-06-13 | HOLIDAYS AROUND THE WORLD $600: A public holiday in some countries, Vesak commemorates his birth, enlightenment & death Buddha |
#7321, aired 2016-06-13 | HOLIDAYS AROUND THE WORLD $800: On this holiday observed on November 1 & 2, families in Mexico gather together to remember departed loved ones the Day of the Dead |
#7321, aired 2016-06-13 | HOLIDAYS AROUND THE WORLD $1000: On July 30 this country celebrates Mohammed VI's ascension to the throne Morocco |
#2058, aired 1993-07-14 | HOLIDAYS AROUND THE WORLD $200: "Buon Anno" is the Italian way to say "Happy" this new year |
#2058, aired 1993-07-14 | HOLIDAYS AROUND THE WORLD $400: The Spanish name for this day, 2 days before Easter, is Viernes Santo Good Friday |
#2058, aired 1993-07-14 | HOLIDAYS AROUND THE WORLD $600: Rene Clair's 1933 film "Quatorze Juillet" revolves around this holiday's festivities 14th of July (Bastille Day) |
#2058, aired 1993-07-14 | HOLIDAYS AROUND THE WORLD $800: In India revelers throw colored water & powder to celebrate Holi, the spring festival of this religion Hinduism |
#2058, aired 1993-07-14 | HOLIDAYS AROUND THE WORLD $1000: Kwanza, an African-American holiday, means "first fruits" in this language Swahili |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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