Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (45 results returned)
#7279, aired 2016-04-14 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD, PART II $200: The 1928 eruption of this Sicilian volcano buried the village of Mascali Mount Etna |
#7279, aired 2016-04-14 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD, PART II $400: Transparency & openness in diplomacy was No. 1 on this 1918 declaration by President Wilson the Fourteen Points |
#7279, aired 2016-04-14 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD, PART II $600: In 1797, 3 French agents asked for a $250,000 bribe from the U.S. in what came to be known as this 3-letter "Affair" the XYZ Affair |
#7279, aired 2016-04-14 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD, PART II $1000: The Lex Cornelia Majestatis was the ancient Roman & a Ghostbuster-ish way of saying "Don't cross this stream!" the Rubicon |
#7279, aired 2016-04-14 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD, PART II $3,000 (Daily Double): A play in 5 acts, or a king in 2 years, 1483 to 1485 Richard III |
#7147, aired 2015-10-13 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART II $400: Francis II, who became emperor of Austria in 1804, was also the last emperor of this the Holy Roman Empire |
#7147, aired 2015-10-13 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART II $800: In 1962 Peter Fechter's pleas for aid went unanswered after he was shot while trying to climb over this the Berlin Wall |
#7147, aired 2015-10-13 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART II $1200: In the 16th century Sir Walter Raleigh sailed up the Orinoco in search of this lost city of gold El Dorado |
#7147, aired 2015-10-13 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART II $1600: In 1919 it was not "Viva" but "Muera" this Mexican reformer, killed by an agent of Venustiano Carranza (Emiliano) Zapata |
#7147, aired 2015-10-13 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART II $2000: This WWII battle was named for the area of water between Australia & New Caledonia the Battle of the Coral Sea |
#6396, aired 2012-06-11 | THE BRITISH MUSEUM'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 100 OBJECTS $400: No. 1 is the inner coffin of Hornedjitef, an ancient priest of this kingdom, from the 3rd century B.C. Egypt |
#6396, aired 2012-06-11 | THE BRITISH MUSEUM'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 100 OBJECTS $800: The bronze head of this first Roman emperor butted its way onto the list Caesar Augustus |
#6396, aired 2012-06-11 | THE BRITISH MUSEUM'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 100 OBJECTS $1600: A recent artifact is a Sharia-compliant credit card issued in 2009 in this federation of states in the Middle East the UAE (United Arab Emirates) |
#6396, aired 2012-06-11 | THE BRITISH MUSEUM'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 100 OBJECTS $2000: British pride added a helmet from this site where an undisturbed 7th-century Anglo-Saxon burial ship was excavated Sutton Hoo |
#6396, aired 2012-06-11 | THE BRITISH MUSEUM'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 100 OBJECTS $4,500 (Daily Double): The 19th C. is represented by a chronometer from this ship that helped make scientific history in the 1830s The Beagle |
#3939, aired 2001-10-18 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 5 $200: In 1970 he crossed the Atlantic on Ra II to prove the ancient Egyptians could have sailed to America Thor Heyerdahl |
#3939, aired 2001-10-18 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 5 $400: In this country in 1992, extremists destroyed a 400-year-old Muslim mosque built on the believed site of Rama's birth India |
#3939, aired 2001-10-18 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 5 $600: (Sofia of the Clue Crew is at Sea World in San Diego.) Europeans learned about penguins from this Portuguese explorer, the namesake of these ---- penguins Ferdinand Magellan |
#3939, aired 2001-10-18 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 5 $800: Fleeing the Romans in 195 B.C., Hannibal took refuge with King Antiochus III in what's now this Mideast country Syria |
#3939, aired 2001-10-18 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 5 $1000: On Feb. 12, 1912 the rule of the Manchu dynasty ended when this emperor abdicated Pu Yi |
#3778, aired 2001-01-24 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 4 $100: Deriving its name from the Russian for "fellow traveler", it made news in 1957 Sputnik |
#3778, aired 2001-01-24 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 4 $200: President Mireya Moscoso of this country oversaw the 1999 transfer of control of a major ship canal Panama |
#3778, aired 2001-01-24 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 4 $300: This man named his brother king of Spain in 1808 Napoleon Bonaparte |
#3778, aired 2001-01-24 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 4 $400: Leading to new & better fire codes, the 1903 Iroquois Theatre fire in this Midwest U.S. city killed over 500 Chicago |
#3778, aired 2001-01-24 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 4 $500: In 1534 this king began a reassertion of English influence in Ireland Henry VIII |
#3741, aired 2000-12-04 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 3 $200: Elections held following WWII in 1946 made this group the dominant Czech political party Communist Party |
#3741, aired 2000-12-04 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 3 $400: This labor union whose members forge Fords left the AFL-CIO in 1968 but rejoined in 1981 UAW (United Auto Workers) |
#3741, aired 2000-12-04 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 3 $800: On August 22, 1922 gunmen took the life of this Irish leader played by Liam Neeson on the big screen Michael Collins |
#3741, aired 2000-12-04 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 3 $1,000 (Daily Double): Medieval plagues were caused in part by widespread killing of these now common animals, then considered evil Cats |
#3741, aired 2000-12-04 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 3 $1000: In 1598 Henry IV granted French Protestants religious freedom by issuing this edict Edict of Nantes |
#3659, aired 2000-06-29 | THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 2 $200: Established in 1624 by the Dutch, it's the old name for New York City New Amsterdam |
#3659, aired 2000-06-29 | THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 2 $400: Babur, a Muslim ruler from Central Asia, conquered India in 1526 & established this empire the Mogul Empire |
#3659, aired 2000-06-29 | THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 2 $600: Now president, this man was previously appointed General Secretary of China's Communist Party in 1989 Jiang Zemin |
#3659, aired 2000-06-29 | THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 2 $800: In 900 A.D. Gorm the Old became this Scandinavian country's first monarch Denmark |
#3659, aired 2000-06-29 | THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 2 $1000: In 1936 Francisco Franco began his revolution against the Spanish republic in these islands off northwest Africa Canary Islands |
#3589, aired 2000-03-23 | THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD: PART 1 $100: Code-named "Operation Valkyrie", the "July Plot" of 1944 was an attempt to kill this leader Adolf Hitler |
#3589, aired 2000-03-23 | THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD: PART 1 $200: This event on October 8-9, 1871 forced thousands of Illinois residents to flee their homes Chicago Fire |
#3589, aired 2000-03-23 | THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD: PART 1 $300: In 325 A.D. this "Great" leader presided over the Religious Council of Nicaea Constantine |
#3589, aired 2000-03-23 | THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD: PART 1 $400: The public farewell seen here took place in this year: (Nixon leaving Washington) 1974 |
#3589, aired 2000-03-23 | THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD: PART 1 $500: In his last battle, this man defeated Pompey's sons & supporters in 45 B.C. at Munda in Spain Julius Caesar |
#1992, aired 1993-04-13 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD $200: Evidence suggests that the dinosaurs died out after one of these, 6 miles in diameter, struck the Earth a meteorite |
#1992, aired 1993-04-13 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD $400: It's believed the continents as a single mass were surrounded by a single one of these called Panthalassa an ocean |
#1992, aired 1993-04-13 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD $600: A continental collision about 250 million years ago may have created these mountains between Europe & Asia the Urals |
#1992, aired 1993-04-13 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD $800: The Earth's crust was formed during a period called the Azoic Era, meaning "without" this animals (life) |
#1992, aired 1993-04-13 | HISTORY OF THE WORLD $1000: The white chalk cliffs of Dover were formed during this period whose name means "chalk" Cretaceous |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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