Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8889, aired 2023-06-08HISTORY HYSTERIA $200: On June 10, 1692 Bridget Bishop was hanged on Gallows Hill in this Mass. place; Bridget would be far from the last Salem
#8889, aired 2023-06-08HISTORY HYSTERIA $400: 400 people danced uncontrollably for days, some until death, in 1518's dancing plague in Strasbourg in this country France
#8889, aired 2023-06-08HISTORY HYSTERIA $800: In 1950 this senator said 205 Communists worked in the state department but later testifying in the Senate, couldn't document one McCarthy
#8889, aired 2023-06-08HISTORY HYSTERIA $1,000 (Daily Double): On the Daily News' Oct. 31, 1938 front page: "Fake radio 'war' stirs terror through U.S.", with a picture of this actor Orson Welles
#8889, aired 2023-06-08HISTORY HYSTERIA $1000: In 1483 he was made Grand Inquisitor for Castile & León & by 1498, an estimated 2,000 people had been burned at the stake Torquemada

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