Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#2421, aired 1995-02-27 | HISTORICAL TERMS $200: The name of these Colonial militiamen comes from their claim that they could be ready in 60 seconds Minutemen |
#2421, aired 1995-02-27 | HISTORICAL TERMS $400: This author of "Das Kapital" coined the term Lumpenproletariat to describe "social scum" Marx |
#2421, aired 1995-02-27 | HISTORICAL TERMS $600: This term for the anticommunist hysteria of the '40s & '50s comes from a senator's name McCarthyism |
#2421, aired 1995-02-27 | HISTORICAL TERMS $800: This term for the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean comes from the French lever, meaning "to rise" the Levant |
#2421, aired 1995-02-27 | HISTORICAL TERMS $1000: This term for British rule in India comes from Hindi for "sovereignty" the Raj |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)
#5069, aired 2006-09-28 | HISTORICAL TERMS: Historians refer to "the long 19th century", the 125-year span between these 2 events the French Revolution and World War I |
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