Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9230, aired 2024-12-20HISTORIC SONGS OF THE BRITS $400: Handel composed many coronation anthems, including "Zadok The Priest" in 1727 for the second British king of this name George (II)
#9230, aired 2024-12-20HISTORIC SONGS OF THE BRITS $800: Once thought to have been penned by Henry VIII, this "colorful" tune is now believed to come from Elizabethan times "Greensleeves"
#9230, aired 2024-12-20HISTORIC SONGS OF THE BRITS $1200: A jaunty tune in the less jaunty times of WWI was titled "Belgium Put The Kibosh On" this German leader the Kaiser
#9230, aired 2024-12-20HISTORIC SONGS OF THE BRITS $1600: In 1905 Sir Henry Wood arranged a "Fantasia on British Sea Songs" to celebrate the centennial of this battle Trafalgar
#9230, aired 2024-12-20HISTORIC SONGS OF THE BRITS $2000: The "azure main" (that's the ocean) is in this patriotic song traditionally played at the Last Night of the Proms at Royal Albert Hall "Rule, Britannia!"

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