Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3389, aired 1999-05-06HISTORIC CHICAGO $200: A graduate of Chicago's De Paul University, he was mayor from 1955 to 1976 Richard J. Daley
#3389, aired 1999-05-06HISTORIC CHICAGO $400: In August 1968 clashes between demonstrators & police riveted the nation's attention at this political gathering Democratic National Convention
#3389, aired 1999-05-06HISTORIC CHICAGO $600: On Dec. 2, 1942 the first nuclear reaction of this type was set off at the University of Chicago Chain reaction
#3389, aired 1999-05-06HISTORIC CHICAGO $800 (Daily Double): The first Europeans to reach Chicago were probably Louis Joliet & this French missionary in 1673 Jacques Marquette
#3389, aired 1999-05-06HISTORIC CHICAGO $1000: 7 policeman were killed in 1886 when police tried to break up a workers' meeting in this square Haymarket Square ("Haymarket Riot")

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