Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#2220, aired 1994-04-08HERE COME THE BRIDES $100: In 1993 this "Pretty Woman" who was once engaged to Kiefer Sutherland married singer Lyle Lovett Julia Roberts
#2220, aired 1994-04-08HERE COME THE BRIDES $200: In a 1993 TV movie, she married her childhood sweetheart Bamm-Bamm Rubble Pebbles (Flintstone)
#2220, aired 1994-04-08HERE COME THE BRIDES $300: "Our reception was most enthusiastic", she wrote in her diary of her 1840 marriage to her beloved Albert Queen Victoria
#2220, aired 1994-04-08HERE COME THE BRIDES $400: She was Mickey Rooney's first bride, & Frank Sinatra's second Ava Gardner
#2220, aired 1994-04-08HERE COME THE BRIDES $500: In Genesis Jacob was tricked into taking this woman as his bride, even though he loved Rachel Leah

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