Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#9104, aired 2024-05-16HERE BE MONSTERS $200: In one of his many big-screen battles for Earth's survival, he fought against Hedorah the Smog Monster Godzilla
#9104, aired 2024-05-16HERE BE MONSTERS $400: This legendary multi-armed sea monster probably was imagined from sightings of giant squid & octopi off the coast of Norway the Kraken
#9104, aired 2024-05-16HERE BE MONSTERS $600: Makara often has the head of an elephant & the body of this apex predator reptile, perhaps what its name means in Sanskrit a crocodile
#9104, aired 2024-05-16HERE BE MONSTERS $800: First described in Nepal in 1832, this monster was said to be a "wild man" that "moved erectly" & was "covered in long, dark hair" the Yeti
#9104, aired 2024-05-16HERE BE MONSTERS $1000: 1939's "Son of Frankenstein" was the third in the series to feature the Monster, & the last with this actor playing the role Karloff
#4668, aired 2004-12-15HERE BE MONSTERS $200: The monstrous Nazgul fight against the elves & the hobbits in this film series The Lord of the Rings
#4668, aired 2004-12-15HERE BE MONSTERS $400: (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Brooklyn Bridge.) In 1998 after terrorizing New York, this movie monster is finally brought down on the Brooklyn Bridge Godzilla
#4668, aired 2004-12-15HERE BE MONSTERS $600: Robert Englund played this monster for the first time in 1984 Freddy Krueger
#4668, aired 2004-12-15HERE BE MONSTERS $800: In "Monsters, Inc." he provided the voice for Mike, a one-eyed green monster Billy Crystal
#4668, aired 2004-12-15HERE BE MONSTERS $1000: In 1941 Lon Chaney, Jr. as Larry Talbot turned into this title monster the Wolf Man

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