Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4177, aired 2002-10-29HERE'S LUCY $400: Before playing Xena, she co-hosted the travel show "Air New Zealand Holiday" Lucy Lawless
#4177, aired 2002-10-29HERE'S LUCY $800: In 2000 she became the first Asian-American woman to host "Saturday Night Live" Lucy Liu
#4177, aired 2002-10-29HERE'S LUCY $1,200 (Daily Double): Lucy Hobbs Taylor must have aced her orals because in 1866 she became the first woman to receive a degree in this dentistry
#4177, aired 2002-10-29HERE'S LUCY $1600: Lucy Simon, the sister of this pop singer, wrote the music for Broadway's "The Secret Garden" Carly Simon
#4177, aired 2002-10-29HERE'S LUCY $2000: She was the first wife of a president to be called first lady on a regular basis "Lemonade Lucy" Hayes

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