Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (9 results returned)

#8073, aired 2019-10-16HER STORY $200: Her tale of a boy wizard was rejected by 12 publishers before Bloomsbury picked it up J.K. Rowling
#8073, aired 2019-10-16HER STORY $400: From her pen: "The dirty scallawags, the lousy trashy poor whites, boasting they would live at Tara!" (Margaret) Mitchell
#8073, aired 2019-10-16HER STORY $600: She wrote, "Why is this book called 'Bossypants'? One, because the name 'Two and a Half Men' was already taken" (Tina) Fey
#8073, aired 2019-10-16HER STORY $800: In 1969 this young adult novelist published "The One in the Middle is the Green Kangaroo"; soon, God heard from Margaret Judy Blume
#3379, aired 1999-04-22HER STORY $200: Ursula & her sister Gudrun are the title "women" of this D.H. Lawrence novel "Women in Love"
#3379, aired 1999-04-22HER STORY $400: In "The Scarlet Letter", the result of her "a"dultery is her beautiful daughter Pearl Hester Prynne
#3379, aired 1999-04-22HER STORY $600: In William Styron's book, her "Choice" is which of her children to send to death Sophie
#3379, aired 1999-04-22HER STORY $800: The classic novel "Ulysses" ends with a 50-page monologue by this second-rate Dublin singer Molly Bloom
#3379, aired 1999-04-22HER STORY $1,500 (Daily Double): In 1878 Henry James' "flowery" prose told of this Schenectady girl traveling in Europe Daisy Miller

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