Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4642, aired 2004-11-09HELLO FODDER $400: The field of this in which Holden Caulfield imagined himself could have been grown for feed rye
#4642, aired 2004-11-09HELLO FODDER $800: People from the North sow them in spring; Southerners sow them in fall; reckless youths sow wild ones oats
#4642, aired 2004-11-09HELLO FODDER $1200: Among plants whose seeds are found in these, peas are human food while vetch is fed to animals pods
#4642, aired 2004-11-09HELLO FODDER $1600: Very young rabbits get the alfalfa type of this cut, dried fodder; then they graduate to timothy hay
#4642, aired 2004-11-09HELLO FODDER $2000: This legume that probably originated in Asia is the main source of protein supplements in livestock feed the soybean

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