Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5729, aired 2009-07-02HAVOC $400: In the "Winter of Terror", 1950-51, hundreds of these killed 200 people & destroyed 1,500 buildings in the Alps avalanches
#5729, aired 2009-07-02HAVOC $800: One of these swept through the South China Sea in 1782, killing an estimated 40,000 Taiwanese a tsunami
#5729, aired 2009-07-02HAVOC $1200: A tavern dispute sparked the 3-day St. Scholastica Riot, which killed 60 of this English university's students in 1355 Oxford
#5729, aired 2009-07-02HAVOC $1600: Typhoon Ruby hit this British colony on Sept. 5, 1964, killing more than 700 people Hong Kong
#5729, aired 2009-07-02HAVOC $2000: An 1837 fire destroyed this city's Winter Palace, but the Hermitage's treasures were saved St. Petersburg

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