Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)
#8122, aired 2019-12-24 | HAVE A COW $200: After creating Elsie the Cow, Borden Dairy introduced this bull to sell glue Elmer |
#8122, aired 2019-12-24 | HAVE A COW $400: The Swiss company Alpen Schatz has been making these noisy items for 250 years cowbells |
#8122, aired 2019-12-24 | HAVE A COW $600: One day a year this restaurant chain offers free chicken if you dress like a cow Chick-fil-A |
#8122, aired 2019-12-24 | HAVE A COW $800: This term for an idea that cannot be criticized refers to a Hindu belief about an animal a sacred cow |
#8122, aired 2019-12-24 | HAVE A COW $1000: Seen hanging from the neck of zebu a dewlap |
#6971, aired 2014-12-29 | HAVE A "COW" $400: The national hall of fame for them is in Oklahoma City cowboys |
#6971, aired 2014-12-29 | HAVE A "COW" $800: Used by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, this exclamatory word was also featured on "The Howdy Doody Show" cowabunga |
#6971, aired 2014-12-29 | HAVE A "COW" $1200: A tuft of hair that grows in a different direction than the rest & won't lie flat a cowlick |
#6971, aired 2014-12-29 | HAVE A "COW" $1600: Viral disease used by Jenner to inoculate humans cowpox |
#6971, aired 2014-12-29 | HAVE A "COW" $2000: What the bloomin' Brits call a yellow primrose a cowslip |
#6081, aired 2011-02-07 | DON'T HAVE A COW, MAN $200: Vegetarians in search of vitamins A & C know butterhead & crisphead are 2 of its general classifications lettuce |
#6081, aired 2011-02-07 | DON'T HAVE A COW, MAN $400: AKA bean curd, this may be sealed aseptically in packaging that may be kept unopened at room temp for up to 8 months tofu |
#6081, aired 2011-02-07 | DON'T HAVE A COW, MAN $600: Vegetarians can pig out on the rhyming Lightlife product called "Fakin"' this Bacon |
#6081, aired 2011-02-07 | DON'T HAVE A COW, MAN $800: The drink product "Silk is" this 3-letter vegetarian staple, at least in a slogan soy |
#6081, aired 2011-02-07 | DON'T HAVE A COW, MAN $1000: For vegans, has one for this type of mushroom that shares its name with a Panama seaport portobello |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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