Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4722, aired 2005-03-01HARLEM GLOBETROTTIN' $200: In a TV movie, the Globetrotters crash-landed on an island where they visited the cast of this '60s sitcom Gilligan's Island
#4722, aired 2005-03-01HARLEM GLOBETROTTIN' $400: On "The Simpsons" Krusty bets huge on this frequent Globetrotter opponent, claiming they were due the (Washington) Generals
#4722, aired 2005-03-01HARLEM GLOBETROTTIN' $600: It's a no-brainer that this Nobel laureate & Secy. of State was made an honorary Globetrotter in 1976 Kissinger
#4722, aired 2005-03-01HARLEM GLOBETROTTIN' $800: In 1960 this female Wimbledon winner toured with the Harlem Globetrotters playing exhibition tennis Althea Gibson
#4722, aired 2005-03-01HARLEM GLOBETROTTIN' $1000: On a 1963 European tour, the Globetrotters performed in a private audience before this new pope Paul VI

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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