Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8086, aired 2019-11-04HARDPODGE $400: During the Middle Ages, Bergen became a trading center of this merchant league that held its last Congress in 1669 the Hanseatic League
#8086, aired 2019-11-04HARDPODGE $800: It's the culinary verb for the action being done to the bird so it'll hold its shape trussed
#8086, aired 2019-11-04HARDPODGE $1200: Ever the man in white, he chronicled "Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers" in 1970 Tom Wolfe
#8086, aired 2019-11-04HARDPODGE $1600: Its inventors, the Dopyera brothers, gave part of their name to this popular country and western instrument with a resonating disc a Dobro
#8086, aired 2019-11-04HARDPODGE $2000: Part of the resume of this Greek deity: smithing; made the first woman (Pandora)... Hephaestus
#3621, aired 2000-05-08HARDPODGE $200: Now a term for a political obstructionary tactic, it comes from a Dutch word meaning "pirate" Fillibuster
#3621, aired 2000-05-08HARDPODGE $400: North American city that's home to the Festival International de Jazz & the Festival International de Nouvelle Danse Montreal
#3621, aired 2000-05-08HARDPODGE $600: In 1926 the novel "Lolly Willowes" became the first selection this club sent to its members Book-of-the-Month Club
#3621, aired 2000-05-08HARDPODGE $800: In 1965 the highest grossing movie of all time was "The Sound of Music"; 10 years later it was this 1975 film Jaws
#3621, aired 2000-05-08HARDPODGE $1000: Thomas Paine was indicted for treason in England in 1792 for this work defending the French Revolution Rights of Man

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