Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4788, aired 2005-06-01HARDBOILED SLANG $400: Jimmy "3 fingers" was hauled away in bracelets--slang for these handcuffs
#4788, aired 2005-06-01HARDBOILED SLANG $800: This 4-letter word can refer to a gangster's mistress whether or not it's preceded by "gun" moll
#4788, aired 2005-06-01HARDBOILED SLANG $1200: This slang term may be used of the cops or a man's very short haircut fuzz
#4788, aired 2005-06-01HARDBOILED SLANG $1600: John Cusack & Anjelica Huston were these title small-time hustlers in a 1990 film grifters
#4788, aired 2005-06-01HARDBOILED SLANG $2000: This slang word for a person who passes forged checks was also one of Hitler's nicknames a paperhanger

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