Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9238, aired 2025-01-01HAPPY NEW YEAR'S DAY! $200: 1877: She is proclaimed Empress of India Queen Victoria
#9238, aired 2025-01-01HAPPY NEW YEAR'S DAY! $400: 1962: This U.S. Navy special forces unit is established the SEALs
#9238, aired 2025-01-01HAPPY NEW YEAR'S DAY! $600: 1927: This football game is broadcast coast to coast on radio for the first time the Rose Bowl
#9238, aired 2025-01-01HAPPY NEW YEAR'S DAY! $800: 1660: Recording that his wife burned her hand preparing a meal & other events of that day, this man makes his first diary entry (Samuel) Pepys
#9238, aired 2025-01-01HAPPY NEW YEAR'S DAY! $1000: 1990: He's sworn in as the first Black mayor of New York City (David) Dinkins

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