Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#7339, aired 2016-07-07 | HAPPY HISTORY $400: Venezuela declared independence on this date, 35 years & 1 day after ours July 5, 1811 |
#7339, aired 2016-07-07 | HAPPY HISTORY $800: "Bloodless" is our preferred type of this 4-letter event, like the 1975 Nigerian one that deposed General Gowon coup |
#7339, aired 2016-07-07 | HAPPY HISTORY $1200: In 1979 a Seminole chief used Indian sovereignty to offer healthy jackpots in this game also played in churches bingo |
#7339, aired 2016-07-07 | HAPPY HISTORY $1600: In 1989 this then-country ended Communist rule with its Velvet Revolution Czechoslovakia |
#7339, aired 2016-07-07 | HAPPY HISTORY $2000: Let's revive this multi-day December celebration from ancient Rome that featured unrestrained merrymaking Saturnalia |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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