Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)
#8955, aired 2023-10-20 | HALLOWEEN COSTUME IDEAS $200: Dye some gauze in black tea for an aged look & wrap yourself up as this guy whom Abbott & Costello met in a 1955 film the Mummy |
#8955, aired 2023-10-20 | HALLOWEEN COSTUME IDEAS $400: If the guys are gangsters, wear fringed dresses & be these '20s gals found in a Fitzgerald title flappers |
#8955, aired 2023-10-20 | HALLOWEEN COSTUME IDEAS $600: A costume for 2: This double-crossing pair from Mad magazine, one in black & one in white, created by Antonio ProhÃas Spy vs. Spy |
#8955, aired 2023-10-20 | HALLOWEEN COSTUME IDEAS $800: Roll up the sleeves of a blue denim workshirt, put a red bandana in your hair & you can be this feminist WWII icon Rosie the Riveter |
#8955, aired 2023-10-20 | HALLOWEEN COSTUME IDEAS $1000: Dress in black with a red plastic flowerpot for a hat & you can "Whip It" good like a member of this New Wave group Devo |
#7149, aired 2015-10-15 | HALLOWEEN COSTUME IDEAS $200: Dye some gauze in black tea for an aged look & wrap yourself up as this guy whom Abbott & Costello met in a 1955 film the Mummy |
#7149, aired 2015-10-15 | HALLOWEEN COSTUME IDEAS $400: Why not dress up as this Barrie character, the boy who would not grow up Peter Pan |
#7149, aired 2015-10-15 | HALLOWEEN COSTUME IDEAS $600: Roll up the sleeves of a blue denim workshirt, put a red bandana in your hair & you can be this feminist WWII icon Rosie the Riveter |
#7149, aired 2015-10-15 | HALLOWEEN COSTUME IDEAS $800: A costume for 2: this double-crossing pair from Mad magazine, one in black & one in white, created by Antonio Prohias Spy vs. Spy |
#7149, aired 2015-10-15 | HALLOWEEN COSTUME IDEAS $1000: If the guys are gangsters, wear fringed dresses & be these '20s gals found in a Fitzgerald title flappers |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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