Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#1178, aired 1989-10-18HAIL AND FAREWELL $100: This ABC prime time newsmagazine closes with "We're in touch, so you be in touch" 20/20
#1178, aired 1989-10-18HAIL AND FAREWELL $200: "And goodnight Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are" Jimmy Durante
#1178, aired 1989-10-18HAIL AND FAREWELL $300: Walter Cronkite usually closed his "CBS Evening News" telecasts with this phrase "That's the way it is"
#1178, aired 1989-10-18HAIL AND FAREWELL $400: For 20 seasons this comedian ended his TV variety series with "Good night & God bless" Red Skelton
#1178, aired 1989-10-18HAIL AND FAREWELL $500: This newscaster-adventurer signed off his radio broadcasts saying "So long until tomorrow" Lowell Thomas
#300, aired 1985-11-01HAIL AND FAREWELL $200: Dick Martin's response to Dan Rowan's "say goodnight, Dick" "goodnight, Dick"
#300, aired 1985-11-01HAIL AND FAREWELL $400: He ends "20/20" with "We're in touch, so you be in touch" Hugh Downs
#300, aired 1985-11-01HAIL AND FAREWELL $600: Jimmy Durante's famous sign-off line "Goodnight, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are"
#300, aired 1985-11-01HAIL AND FAREWELL $800: Dave Garroway used this word to close the "Today" show peace
#300, aired 1985-11-01HAIL AND FAREWELL $1000: Cowboy star who said "Good-bye, good luck, & may the good Lord take a likin' to ya" Roy Rogers

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