Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8374, aired 2021-04-08GUITARS & DRUMS $200: The sound of an electric guitar strings gets transmitted to an amplifier by this device, also a word for a light truck a pickup
#8374, aired 2021-04-08GUITARS & DRUMS $400: Marching drummers use 2 sticks on this biggest & deepest-sounding drum; rockers kick it with a foot pedal a bass drum
#8374, aired 2021-04-08GUITARS & DRUMS $600: Music theory says that these combine at least 3 different notes, but the "power" type common in heavy guitar music uses just 2 chords
#8374, aired 2021-04-08GUITARS & DRUMS $800: Side drum is another name for this drum that gets its sound from vibrating strings stretched across one drumhead a snare drum
#8374, aired 2021-04-08GUITARS & DRUMS $1000: Many a rock guitarist plays this classic Gibson guitar named for its legendary designer Les Paul

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