Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4178, aired 2002-10-30GUITARIST'S LINGO $400: The Byrds' Roger McGuinn is perhaps the most famous player of the Rickenbacker guitar with this many strings 12
#4178, aired 2002-10-30GUITARIST'S LINGO $800: Rasgueado is the complex strumming technique of this Andalusian dance music flamenco
#4178, aired 2002-10-30GUITARIST'S LINGO $1200: Basically a tone control activated by the player's foot, this "sad" pedal was created accidentally by an engineer in 1966 wah-wah pedal
#4178, aired 2002-10-30GUITARIST'S LINGO $1600: At the end of a show, it's cool to lean your guitar on your amp & let it deafen the crowd with this noise feedback
#4178, aired 2002-10-30GUITARIST'S LINGO $2000: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew holding a guitar) The tuning devices are called either keys or by this name pegs

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