Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (4 results returned)

#5362, aired 2007-12-25GREEK & ROMAN POTPOURRI $400: This form of ancient transport is mentioned in the Beach Boys' hit "Fun, Fun, Fun" chariot
#5362, aired 2007-12-25GREEK & ROMAN POTPOURRI $800: By the 400s B.C. the Greeks had perfected 3 orders of architecture: Ionic, Corinthian & this oldest one Doric
#5362, aired 2007-12-25GREEK & ROMAN POTPOURRI $1200: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew stands in front of a picture of the Greek alphabet.) When the 14th letter of the Greek alphabet is spelled in English it's 2 letters long & this quantity in Roman numerals eleven
#5362, aired 2007-12-25GREEK & ROMAN POTPOURRI $1600: Some Roman villas used a hypocaust system to provide central this heating

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