Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5054, aired 2006-07-27GREAT PEOPLE OF HISTORY $200: Aristotle was a tutor of this world conqueror Alexander the Great
#5054, aired 2006-07-27GREAT PEOPLE OF HISTORY $400: It's the more familiar way that Holy Roman Emperor Charles the Great is known Charlemagne
#5054, aired 2006-07-27GREAT PEOPLE OF HISTORY $600: King Darius the Great of this empire sent an army into Greece in 490 B.C., but it was defeated at Marathon the Persian Empire
#5054, aired 2006-07-27GREAT PEOPLE OF HISTORY $800: A prolific fighter & builder, he ruled Egypt from about 1290 to 1223 B.C. Ramses the Great
#5054, aired 2006-07-27GREAT PEOPLE OF HISTORY $1000: The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem was a retaining wall this "Great" king had built to shore up the temple platform Herod the Great

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