Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#1965, aired 1993-03-05 | GRASSHOPPER HODGEPODGE $100: An Aesop fable contrasted the high- living grasshopper with this pre-planning insect an ant |
#1965, aired 1993-03-05 | GRASSHOPPER HODGEPODGE $200: In 1985 a record number of grasshoppers infested this Show Me State Missouri |
#1965, aired 1993-03-05 | GRASSHOPPER HODGEPODGE $300: Chapultepec or Grasshopper Hill is in this capital Mexico City |
#1965, aired 1993-03-05 | GRASSHOPPER HODGEPODGE $400: On this TV series Radames Pera played the young Caine, whom Master Po called "Grasshopper" Kung Fu |
#1965, aired 1993-03-05 | GRASSHOPPER HODGEPODGE $500: He foresaw that the soldiers would fall into his Little Big Horn River Valley like grasshoppers from the sky Sitting Bull |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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